WiMAX Forum Certified Training |
Introduction to WiMAX OFDM/OFDMA
TM |
Course length: 2
hours, self-paced, web-based e-Learning
Course format: E-Learning, with
full audio tutorial, eGlossary, search capabilities,
animated graphics and interactive questions
throughout, for a rich learning experience.
Course description: This course is
designed to present the benefits and characteristics
of OFDM/OFDMA in a WiMAX network. The fee for the
course is $199 and includes a one year subscription
to the material. The subscription allows the student
to review the material often and provides valuable
WiMAX OFDM/OFDMA reference material for the duration
of the subscription. |
Course length: 2
hours, self-paced, web-based e-Learning
Course format: E-Learning, with
full audio tutorial, animated graphics and
interactive questions throughout, for a rich
learning experience.
Course description: This DoceoTech
e-Learning course is designed to prepare technical
personnel for in-depth, product-specific training on
a WiMAX system. The student who completes this
course will understand WiMAX applications, and be
able to apply that understanding for a quick up-take
on technical, job-relevant training. |
Our Four Flagship
Services: |
Analyzing Your WiMAX Business
Opportunity TM |
Course length: 2
hours, self-paced, web-based e-Learning
Course format: E-Learning, with
full audio tutorial, animated graphics and
interactive questions throughout, for a rich
learning experience.
Course description: Understanding
your WiMAX Business Opportunity This e-learning
course explains how WiMAX might be the right
technical and financial answer for Carriers, ISPs
and operators worldwide who are looking for the
optimal solution to deliver broadband wireless
service. It also defines a nine-step process for
analyzing WiMAX's potential in your market. This
title was written by Excelsio Communications, a
systems integrator which has used the nine-step
process to evaluate or design dozens of wireless
networks. |
Technical Fundamentals Training |
Radio Frequency Essentials
TM |
Course length: 2
hours, self-paced, web-based e-Learning
Course format: E-Learning, with
full audio tutorial, animated graphics and
interactive questions throughout, for a rich
learning experience.
Course description: This DoceoTech
e-Learning course is designed to prepare technical
personnel for the RF configuration steps required on
wireless data equipment. At the completion on this
course, the engineer or technician will be able to
converse intelligently on RF topics, interpret the
RF settings in most configuration manuals for
wireless-data equipment, and "hit the ground
running" in an in-depth training course on
product-specific RF configuration of wireless data
equipment. |
Internet Protocol Essentials
TM |
Course length: 2
hours, self-paced, web-based e-Learning
Course format: E-Learning, with
full audio tutorial, animated graphics and
interactive questions throughout, for a rich
learning experience.
Course description: This DoceoTech
e-Learning course is designed to prepare technical
personnel for the IP configuration steps required on
wireless data equipment. At the completion of this
course, the engineer or technician will be able to
converse intelligently on IP topics, interpret the
IP settings in most configuration manuals for
wireless-data equipment, and "hit the ground
running" in an in-depth training course on
product-specific IP configuration of wireless data
equipment. |
Advantages of e-learning:
- Master the topic while at your desk or at home.
- Learn when most convenient for you
- Eliminate travel cost for learning
- Learn from the experts
- Experience engaging audio, graphics and animated content
with frequent interactive exercises.
Please view the e-learning
Terms and Conditions to see how DoceoTech e-Learning is
delivered to you. |