Wireless Personal Area Network Technologies / 802.15
TM |

An advanced class covering the Wireless
Personal Area Network standards that are most relevant to your
next design project:
- Bluetooth (and
Wireless Multimedia (802.15.3)
ZigBee (802.15.4)
And their coexistence with 802.11 WLANs
(802.15.2) |
This course will provide the student with broad knowledge on
current Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPAN) standards, trends,
issues and technologies. We have included content that is emerging
from recent IEEE 802.15 WPAN working group meetings and letter
ballots. These are critical topics for todays development
Course length:
2 days
This course is designed
for students who are working on Wireless Personal Area Network
products and services, or expect to be working on those projects
soon. A student who is just beginning to work on WPAN projects
will gain a full understanding of the entire set of WPAN
This DoceoTech course was co-authored by Dr. James Gilb and Dr.
Todor Cooklev, who are both founding members of 802.15.3. Dr. Gilb
has been the technical editor of that standard since the founding
of the task group, and is responsible for all future revisions of
the standard. Dr. Gilb was chosen by the IEEE to author its
reference book on 802.15.3, which is named Wireless Multimedia:
A Guide to the IEEE 802.15.3 Standard. Dr. Cooklev was chosen
by the IEEE to write their definitive book that covers all
wireless standards, which is named Wireless Communication
Standards: A Study of IEEE 802.11, 802.15, 802.16.
Course Outline: |
Introduction to Wireless Personal Area Networks

WPAN Definition
Comparing WPAN and WLAN
Structure of 802 LAN/MAN standards committee
802.15 Organization
802 Standards development process
History of 802.15
802.15.1: The standardization of the Bluetooth
IEEE and the Bluetooth SIG
802.15.1 applications
History of 802.15.1
Differences between 802.15.1 and Bluetooth
PHY details: Hopping channels, transmitter and
receiver characteristics, radio implications
MAC details: Joining piconets,
communications, power saving modes
Updating to match Bluetooth 1.2
Bluetooth 2.0, Radio 2.0, UWB possibilities
802.15.2: Coexistence between 802.15.1 and 802.11
History of 802.15.2
The coexistence problem and solutions
Reduction in throughput
Scheduling transmissions
frequency hopping
Current Status
- 802.15.3: Wireless Multimedia
Why a High-Rate Personal Area Network?
802.15.3 Applications
Simple, ad hoc connections
Assurance of Privacy
Piconet Controllers and Devices
Four Types of Piconets
Forming a Piconet, with association and
Channel Time Allocations
802.15.3 addressing
CSMA vs Slotted Aloha
Power Management
Higher Layers above 802.15.3
2.4 GHz PHY, with five data rates
802.15.3a High-rate Alternate PHY

Direct Sequence UWB and the UWB Forum
Multiband OFDM and the WiMedia Alliance
802.15.3c: Millimeter Wave Alternate PHY
802.15.4: Low cost, low power, low bit rate
History of 802.15.4
802.15.4 Applications
- MAC architecture and functionality
- PHYs available
- 802.15.4a Next generation PHY
- 802.15.4b Updates to the standard
- The role of the ZigBee Alliance
ZigBee is a trademark of the ZigBee Alliance