Non-Line-of-Sight Solutions
Are trees or buildings obstructing your wireless
connection/design/customer application? Try a non line of sight
Many times a free and clear line-of-sight (LOS) path is not available,
trees in rural areas or buildings in urban environments. The severity
of the obstructions vary.
Near-Line-of-Sight Obstruction (partial

Non-Line-of-Sight Obstruction
(complete blockage)

Possible Solutions
Traditional solutions involve either elevating the radio or antenna
above the obstruction or creating multiple paths to take the signal
around the problem. Both are expensive options and they're often
TESSCO Solution
TESSCO offers multiple solutions depending on the severity of the
OFDM Technology
Radios using OFDM can provide a solution for a varying degree of
obstructed paths. OFDM technology breaks a wideband signal
transmission into independent datastreams called subcarriers and uses
sophisticated error correction on the receive side to allow reliable
throughput around obstructions. TESSCO provides a selection of
products at different price points to overcome almost any obstructed
Complete blockage: Orthogon Systems
Partial blockage: Solectek
View powerful white papers from Eric Lee, President of Solectek, on
the Technology and Implementation of NLOS (PDF) and on the Test
Results for the Solectek SkyWay 5000 Series network (PDF).
900 MHz Frequency Radios
Unlicensed 900 band allows penetration through minimum obstructions
such as foliage.
Partial blockage: Motorola Canopy
Mesh Backbone
When coverage is needed over a large area with numerous line-of-sight
issues, a mesh network can provide a reliable solution that's easy to
deploy. A mesh network will automatically transmit data over the
shortest path or the one with the least resistance. Individual nodes
may connect with several neighboring nodes to form diverse routing
paths through the network. Unlike point-to-multipoint networks, meshes
dont route traffic from terminal nodes to a central hub. The diverse
routing, self-configuring and self-reconfiguration features allow path
changes that will redirect traffic based on the shortest, fastest,
least congested or other characteristics of each path.
2.4 and 5.8Ghz freguency systems are available.
Partial blockage: Firetide |