General Description
Viterbi decoding or convolutional decoding is a type of forward error
correction algorithm. SeaSolve's High-perfornamce, low power Viterbi
decoder VHDL IP is highly parameterizable and supports the parameters
such as number of coded bits, traceback length, constraint length,
number of soft decision bits, precision of branch metric accumulation,
polynomial of each coded bits and puncturing rates. Viterbi decoders
are usually implemented on XXXX. It provides a maximum throughput of
more than XXX Mbits/s and consumes the least number of logic elements.
It supports error correction for both continuous and burst errors.
Versatile test bench is included with the viterbi decoder which lets
the user to insert noise at any desired point.
Standards supported : DVB, 3G and IEEE 802.11 a/b/g
Selectable code rates 1/2, 2/3, ¾ |
Parameterizable trace backs depth of 35 to 105 for punctured data.
Parameterizable constraint length up to 7
Generator polynomials (G0 =1338,G1 = 1718)
puncturing of punctured convolutional encoded data
Parameterizable generator polynomials |
Decision Decoding |
Supports standards such as IEEE 802.11a/b/g and DVB
simulation model |
Flexible architecture suitable for FPGA or ASIC
Provide standard interface with external devices